Performance Guitar's Custom (Arm The Homeless
Fender Telecaster
St George MP-2
Ibanez Talman Custom
Ibanez AX Custom
Ibanez Artstar Custom
Gibson Double Neck SG
Marshall JCM800 Head and Marshall or Peavey 4x12 Cab
1. Dunlop CrybabyPerformance Guitar's Custom (Arm The Homeless
Fender Telecaster
St George MP-2
Ibanez Talman Custom
Ibanez AX Custom
Ibanez Artstar Custom
Gibson Double Neck SG
Marshall JCM800 Head and Marshall or Peavey 4x12 Cab
2. Digitech WhammyUsed primarily in double octave and fifth settings. For the solo in "Wake Up" and the fade in sounds in "Settle For Nothing," the Whammy is set on a 10th up from normal pitch. I'm not sure about the 'Whammy 1' pedal, but on the 'Whammy 2' you can achieve this pitch shift by selecting the octave harmoniser setting and carefully moving the pedal until the desired 10th pitch is achieved.
3. Boss DD-2Effect level is set to max, whilst the feedback is set to 2 repeats and the medium delay is 400-450 milliseconds.
4. DOD EQThis is used for a volume boost on the solos so it's set flat with the level up just a tad.
5. Ibanez FlangerThe 'Green Super Old' flanger pedal is set for a wide slow flange. The pedals are all put through the effects loop in a really untraditional order. Usually the Crybaby goes on front of the amp, not through the effects loop.