Kirk Hammett



ESP M-II "Zorlac"

ESP KH-2 "Skully"

ESP KH-2 M-II - Boris Karloff Mummy I graphic

ESP KH-2 M-II - Ouija

ESP KH-2 M-II - Boris Karloff Mummy II graphic

ESP KH-2 M-II "Fuck You" KH-4

ESP ESP MII Skully 7 String

ESP KH-3 Eclipse - Pushead Spider graphic

Gibson Les Paul Custom 1968 also known as "Black Beauty"

Jackson Randy Rhoads Model RR1T

ESP KH-1 Flying V

ESP WaveCaster Blue- Wave Machine

1974 Gibson Flying V

  • ESP KH-2 M-II - Skull & Crossbones II
  • ESP M-II Red Frankenstein graphic
  • ESP M-II Skull & Crossbones I
  • Fender Stratocaster 1998

* Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier Rackmount Amp
* Mesa Boogie Strategy 400 Stereo power Amp
* Mesa Boogie Tremoverb 2x12 Combo Amp (only used for warmup)
* Mesa Boogie Triaxis Pre-Amp
* Mesa Boogie Quad Pre-Amp
* Mesa Boogie Mark IIC+ NOT rewired as a preamp. Simply slaved into a poweramp
* Mesa Boogie Mark IV
* Randall RM100 amplifier
* Marshall DSL and TSL Amps


  • Mesa Boogie 2x12 Speaker Cabinet
  • Mesa Boogie 4x12 Speaker Cabinet
  • Marshall 4x12 Speaker Cabinet
  • NOTE: All cabs are loaded with Celestion Vintage 30 speakers.

* EMG 81 pickup at bridge and neck positions
* Digitech Whammy pedal
* rack-mounted Dunlop Cry Baby with expression pedals (he is also known to use the Dunlop Crybaby Classic)
* EMB Audio Remote Wah system
* Ibanez Tube Screamer TS-9
* Line 6 MM4 modulation & DL4 delay effect stompboxes
* Lovetone Meatball pedal (used on I Disappear)
* Jim Dunlop Tortex 0.88mm custom picks (green)
* Ernie Ball Skinny Top Heavy Bottom (.10-.52) strings
* custom Levy's strap
* Radial Tonebone Hot British distortion pedal